Run Leader: Ken O'Neill
Meetup Location Under the open shelter
Restrooms In the park buildings
Breakfast TBD
Official Run Start - 8:30
5.85 mile loop (You can add miles by turning the wrong way on the CKC)
2.5 mile out and back
5.85 mile directions, short version: Right at Michael’s, left at flashing crosswalk, left at CKC, left at flashing crosswalk, left at marked crosswalk, right at traffic light, left at Michael’s. Then loop the dock.
5.85 mile directions,detailed version:
- Leave the park going east on the sidewalk along NE Juanita Drive.
- Turn right at the big intersection by Michael’s staying on the sidewalk, then the wide concrete trail
- Go up the Market St hill past the traffic light
- Turn left at the flashing light crosswalk(press the button) to cross Market St and go east on 18thAve
- When 18thends at Crestwood Park keep going straight onto the trail
- Turn left at the T intersection with the Cross Kirkland Corridor and go about a mile
- Activate the flashing light, cross 112th, and turn left to run on 112th
- Turn left to recross 112th at the first marked crosswalk, 116th Ave. Stay on the right side sidewalk-then bike path-then sidewalk again until you reach a traffic light.
- Cross busy Market Street with the traffic light. Turn right and go back downhill to Michael’s then back to the start.
- Don’t forget to do a loop on the dock
5.85 mile route map link

2.5 mile directions:
- Leave the park headed east on the sidewalk along NE Juanita Drive.
- Turn right at the big intersection by Michael’s staying on the sidewalk then the wide concrete trail
- Turn right just before the traffic light, into the park. Take the second right to get to Nelson Point. Look for eagles or osprey on the pole out in the water.
- Come back.
- Do a loop on the dock.
2.5 mile route map link